

Demand generation is the backbone of any successful marketing strategy. Yet, despite its importance, 61% of marketers have indicated that generating traffic and leads is their top challenge.

Today’s economic uncertainty may well exacerbate this problem, particularly as fewer companies appear willing to adequately invest in marketing.

It is not surprising to learn then that 80% of new leads never make a purchase of any kind and, on average, only 50% of qualified leads that companies have on record are ready to buy (Marketo). The good news is that these results can be improved upon through consistently always-on, thoughtful, and persistent nurturing practices.

Successful lead nurturing serves to provide relevant content to sales prospects. This is designed to encourage them to move forward from the brand awareness stage by answering questions that are holding them back from committing to making a purchase. Simply put, its goal is to drive conversions by motivating prospects to buy.

Moreover, while traditional lead nurturing has certainly proven effective over time, we believe an even more beneficial view is one of interacting to form strong, long-lasting bonds with prospective clients, even after they have made a purchase. Why? Because the stronger the trust, the more they’ll advocate for your brand and your products.

In this light, purchase decisions are the consequence of quality content and persuasion, rather than just the sales prowess of your Sales Development Representative (SDR) team or account executives.

DemandFactor is revolutionizing performance marketing and demand generation by adding in the missing piece:

We align our success to the success of our leads and our clients.